The most appropriate learning tool for Lu will be open and distributed learning with online asynchronous classes only. The main problem with face-to-face classes, despite their ability to allow Lu to concentrate and network better, is that Lu is currently in China. This means that face-to-face learning will be out of the question. There are two main obstacles for Lu, to financially support himself and his family through part-time jobs, and his lack of English communication skills. Distributed learning can be useful for Lu because he will be able to learn in a more flexible schedule as he balances work and study. At the same time, open learning can be more cost-effective for him, since he is financially challenged. Distributed learning can also allow him to digest class materials in English at his own pace to ensure that he absorbs the knowledge fully before moving on. Lu also faces other problems such as his lack of passion for his current major in Economics and his inability to switch majors near graduation. He is passionate about learning to program and hopes to secure a job as a game designer, which is high-paying and can allow him to gain a better CRS score for immigration. This means that his best option is to take free distributed and open courses to ensure that he receives the skill and certifications needed for his job search. He also faces the problem of regional time differences. Therefore, having asynchronous classes make it easier for him to study at his convenience and staying most focused rather than having to wake up in the middle of the night to attend classes.
Our group believes that open and distributed learning will make learning more accessible for Lu. Firstly, with distributed learning, Lu can plan his learning according to his current schedule with the most choices and flexibility (CAST, 2018). Since Lu needs to work in the day, he can learn in the evening or on weekends. Many distributed learning platforms such as Coursera, Moodle, or Codecamedy offer schedules and a progressive list of learning activities for him to best organize his schedule and predict the level of commitment needed for his study (CAST, 2018). With distributed and open learning, he also does not have to worry about the financial implications of expensive education. We cannot neglect the fact that Lu is currently unable to attend to any face-to-face learning environments due to the pandemic. With the obligations to end up learning and working in Canada, Lu has to pick up the skill set to conduct in-person interactional experiences to help him grow faster. Lu is also looking forward to his face-to-face learning experiences for his upcoming fall term. In order to prepare for it, he needs to save up education funds for his return to UVic for face-to-face learning. In the meantime, he needs to learn as much as possible from the online tools and videos.
In terms of engaging the learner, our group believes that open and distributed learning will allow Lu to achieve a high level of engagement with course materials. With videos tutorials both on YouTube and Coursera, it is easy for Lu to replay the learning materials to ensure he understands everything before moving on. Most of the videos also come with closed captions or even transcripts for a learner so that he does not need to worry too much about his lack of English skills. He also has the flexibility of time frame to engage fully with the learning materials to ensure that he understands the concept fully (SS Coaching, 2020). With open learning, he can also engage with other peers, such as students who have posted questions on Chegg, or learners who have posted learning materials and flashcards on Quizlet, through online communication. Codecademy also offers free online personal tutors who can look at your code and provide suggestions and tips. Therefore, he will have no problem with engagement and interaction.
CAST. (2018). Universal design for learning guidelines version 2.2.
SS Coaching. (2020). Difference between open schooling and distance learning.
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